Dream of Italy: Travel, Transform, and Thrive

Buongiorno from Rome!

Things have been quite hectic here even though we're in the middle of summer. I'm staying put this year. I might go away for a long weekend in late August but it depends on what's going on with this Delta variant.

The tourists are back. Not pre-pandemic number of course but what a change from a few months ago. People are so excited to be here. For those who love Italy and/or would like to do some armchair traveling, there's a special Dream of Italy episode currently airing on PBS stations nationwide (USA). It's part of their pledge season, with a notable appearance by actor Joe Mantegna, with host Kathy McCabe.

Kathy and I looking at the gorgeous architecture on Via Monserrato. One of the prettiest streets in Rome.

In this special Kathy interviewed expats/immigrants who have moved to Italy part-time or full-time. She focuses on eleven essential elements of the Italian lifestyle – the land, food, family, art & culture, beauty, pace of life, passion, movement, community, celebrations and sense of home– through our stories.  Kathy discusses how one can incorporate the values, inspiration, and beauty of Italy into their lives. There are also practical tips for people who are interested in moving to Italy for a sabbatical or permanently.

Interview with Kathy at Cantiere Galla Design showroom. I spend a lot of time here for clients.

Some of the people who were interviewed (Sting, Trudie Styler, Francis Mayes, Francis Ford Coppola) are very famous. Some, ahem me, are not. We all have unique stories and experiences of how and why we came to Italy. For more information and to find the airdates for your area click HERE. At the moment it's only airing in the USA and some areas in Canada that receive PBS stations. It should be on available for international viewers in 2022.

Some BTS with friends on the rooftop terrace of Hotel de la Ville.

This special was filmed before the pandemic. I'm thrilled to be a part of this program that speaks to the wonderful things about living in Italy.

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Grazie, Thank You, Merci!

Greetings from a construction site.

I'm finally out of my fourteen day quarantine here in Anguilla. The contractor and his crew have returned to the job site. I spent the first week of quarantine at the boutique hotel Frangipani. I was supposed to be there only two nights but there was no way my sister-in-law and I could start our quarantine at The Cottage while the crew was finishing up the bathrooms.

I watched the premiere of RENO ITALIANO in my hotel room. To say it was a surreal experience would be an understatement. The first week after RENO aired was bananas, so many emails and messages. Speaking of bananas, that's the situation here as we finish this house. So this is just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who watched, helped spread the word, left comments, emailed, Tweeted, Instagrammed, etc. etc. I've read every single note and I'm very grateful for the wonderful feedback.

I've received a ton of questions asking me if HGTV will rerun the pilot, will it be On Demand, or on Discovery Plus, and if RENO ITALIANO will become a series. I don't have any information at the moment. If that changes in the future, I will post about it on social media.

Returning to my long punch list.

Buon weekend!

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Introducing RENO ITALIANO, our HGTV pilot!

I can finally talk about it and I’m trying to be zen.  As if it’s just another day at the office. 

However, I have zero chill and I’m completely geeking out.  The renovation TV show pilot I’ve been working on will air this Friday on HGTV.   Yes, that channel.  Seriously, what is my life right now?  

Our show is called Reno Italiano and it’s on at 11:30 a.m. EST (USA) between Flip or Flop and Love It or List It.  Check local time for listings.  

The house is located in Arpino, a small hilltop town between Rome and Naples, and the views are gorgeous. It’s over two hundred years old and had been abandoned for sixty years.  This was not an easy renovation and we were doing it in Italy on a very narrow street.  However, we had a great team and you’ll get to meet them during the show.  

My clients, Tracy and Matt, are American and couldn’t see their house (once the renovation started) until it was finished!  Can you imagine?  I’m grateful for the trust they placed in us and that we were able to make their Italian dream home a reality.  I’m also grateful for our excellent project managers Kylie and Antonio, phenomenal contractor Bruno, and last but not least our on point geometra, Michele.    

Regarding the non-renovation part of this process, I learned a lot. It’s one thing to be an assistant or a producer on set.  Being in front of the camera?  Weird. I was in good hands though with my producers Kip and Rich and our showrunner Katie.  This unscripted world is new to me and fascinating.  

We can’t share any BEFORE or AFTER pics before the show airs.  I can tell you that it’s a stunning transformation so set your DVRs. 

Follow along on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtags #renoitaliano and #hgtv. 


Friday, January 15th, 11:30 EST on HGTV (USA)

Lucky Dog Films

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